For me it seems that the energy problems of the world are solved or at will be soon solved by Polaks. In an issue that is partly related to my task polish seem to have founded forces of which existence we 'The Others' do not understand at all or we 'The Others' were totally unknown for thousands of years...Will that be the bye bye for fossile fuel we will see soon...

Btw gr33tings from Monika's, I came here to think of this new theory presented by the polish. Maybe after the anti-polish blockage in myhead has been removed after 4hrs and 12+ beer I can understand the 'New Force' and after that shall 'The Force' be with us now and 4ever.

W3 do have a large duct leading fumes to a chimney 50 m high. Th3 duct lays majestically on a lattice duct bridge and do have 2 compensators at both end roughly 25m in between. These compensators are made to allow movements of the duct due to forces caused by temperature differences.I hope to able to simply explain the structure which is 2 pipes having a diameter difference of 30 or so mm, so a 'male' pipe inside a 'female' pipe both having flanges outside where the cloth which is uppose to prevent the leakeage of the fumes is attached gas tight. Rozumiem? (Understood?) If not please do make the Universal movements of p3n3trating having your right finger being the p*nis and your left index finger and a thump creating a p*ssy as large as you can. Now please do the trick...Hello I ment move your penis...No not that one, the finger penis!!!! If you want her to be active please do be free to move your left hand as well. But in both cases do not touch the skin on the other hand... It feels good, right...even better if you touched accidentally? So this is how the pipes are intalled p*nis pipe inside the v*gina not touching each others. The penetration depht of our penis is extremely short compared to it's huge diameter over 2,5 meters...I might even prevail it in lenght... No imagine that the hole you did see around your p*nis i.e. right finger, left finger shall you be bit retarded and born as left handed and you used your left finger as penis...You do have my symphaties, I know how difficult it is to wipe ass with a left hand, I have tested. Back to the hole...Imagine that there is a gas tight fabric having a hose form, tighly installed around your p*enis. Surely you know how rubber band feels down there and know what is the effect of that. Also imagine that the same fabric is attached to the 'mouth' of the p*ssy from the other end. The fabric is loose in lenght, so no matter how much p*enis is moving the fabric always stays loose but still gas tight...Now jerk jerk jerk...Did you feel the p*ssy farting?..I did but the gases did stay inside anyhow thanks to the fabric. Did you feel any pull or push in the fabric, remember it is loose in lenght? Did you? Are you sure? If yes, redo the test, please. If you are still sure do not worry I have already patented 'The Force' so you will be left without a single zloty or any other penny there is in this world. And the polish designer said that there is push and pull, YEAH SURE! 6,3 billion HUMANS against 38m polish, I wonder which party will prevail...

It took me a long to write this so I'm soon 2 pivos behind my harmonogram w pivos (timeshedule of beer) so I need to go now, and before I go I vill go to toilet have some toilet paper and ask some tape from the Barmanka (Barmaid) and make an experimental test as a MythBuster.

May 'The Force' be with You and Na Zdrowie!!!