
After returning from work I was able to park my car to the park just in front of my home. I went to the corner shop, one out of 3 in 100 m distance, propably the best one selling quite nice things.

That moment here were 3 ladies serving customer's the 70's Finnish way, all the goods behind the desk....I have always wondered do they sell anything under the desk...the same question I have asked from Monika...ale nie rozumiem...

Ok, I was able to buy some ser (cheese), oliwki (olives), jugurt (jugurt), mleko (milk), wino czerwony (red wine), chleb (bread), szynka 'prokoj' (ham, sliced) etc...I was using the langusge in the brackets and the lady serving her Master was using the mixture of brackets and no brackets.

Two other ladies did follow our conversation, anyhow they were just few meters away behind the desk...They laughed and the lady serving me said...'The other ladies are laughing because we do speak ENGLISH'...Simple environment do bring up....You are right Esther (name changed)

Did I laughed when I did watch 'Hello Hello Hello' were Neil Hardwick as a bobby was asking 'Hello Hello Hello, where is the cat?'...and his bobby collega did reply...'The cat is in the moon'...

And in Poland I should speak polish...because I'm in Poland at least that how these I*iots are putting it. I really feel it would be better for them to lear at least SWAHILI or any other language from the civilised world...

Damn I'm sure I'd been laughing loudly hearing someone saying in swahili....'Jambo Jambo Jambo Where is the pussycat?'