During lunch time at the local Stake House...

What a name for a lunch cafeteria in T*+¤@es#n@ in Poland. It dont beat the Block House in Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 7, Berlin.

Anyhow we have already sat on the table when our Logistical Manager, Paul, (a Pole name changed) did sat on the table. He was proud to be back home in Poland returning yesterday and he was saying that on Wednesday it was windy, cloydy and raining in Vilnius and the same weather on Thursday in Helsinki.

He looked at us and asked...'Why do you guys do look so sad?'

I replied...'Because it is not raining and it is not Helsinki'

At 00:30 war Ich ein Berliner..
Was is die problem hier???? sheisse?? Alles rozumiem po angliesku...Taxi drivers, mamas on the streets etc...1st Nacht we arrived 2 the hotel at 00:30 Samstag and went 2 a nearby Döner Kebab for '1 Bier?' like Joe proposedd...Eventually it took 3 Bier. The most scary thing was that the lady serving us was a POLAK as we noticed after 30 Minuten...I mentioned this 2 my translator Luke via SMS and he replied...'We Polaks are everywhery, we are like a decease'...

Yes and now I do have it...syfilis, gonorrhea, HIV...You name it.

When we were still back in Posen und warten die Zug zu civilization i.e. Berlin...Erst was der 25 minut spät, dann 45 min und total 70 min spät...OK we were in Poland so 19:32 train did leave 21:05 so that is 70 minutes late or what??? We were on the platform number 6 waiting for new the data of the train 2 show up, after first waiting on platform 2 and 4, on the mechanical board...they already do have those in Poland...most likely nicked from HBF Cologne, Munchen or Berlin...Finally the name Berlin HBF (Hauptbahnhof) did appear in the board and I was jumping of joy, after waiting 70 minutes 2 get 2 BERLIN!!! A guy nearby laughed fully...the German way...so he has seen the shit as well as was happy to go home to Berlin...