Hello it's Raksamies in English Construction Buddy, (All this started today and there will be no return)

a imaginary person working for a Scandinavian company and tired of his life and having flashbacks that will horrify himself again and again and new nice idiotic experiences he is facing daily when working in a 'Central European' country called Polska.

Again today I woke up at 07:00 to the church bells ringing so loud that I though that the war has started...unfortunatelly it hasn't and this day will be the same shitty day as many before. No one 'nie rozumiem' (don't understand) english, german, swedish, finnish, russian, 1+1, 1x1, 1m3, 1 kg, west, up, left, you name it. It doesn't matter what is the language or the issue, always the answer will be the same..nie rozumiem....

Back to the bells...How nice it would be to speak to Gerry on the street, he sitting on top of his tank and driving over river Oder as I'm driving with my samohodow (car)...Shit Gerries and Polaks are on the same side...at least that what polish are thinking...If they would just know.

Time to start going to work and stop dreaming