Hello All...NO NORMIPÄIVÄ...strange

Abschneiden...we are again cutting minor structural elements bacause of the collision with the technology... Thank God we do have clever mechanical installation companies who are able to do the surgical work in minutes...and the building has not yet collapsed....KATOWICE!!!!

I ordered some roof inlets for roof drainage unfortnately I didn't remember that we did change the cover of the roofing from bitumen paper to Protan (a commercial)...The hardware store that mediated those inlets to us said that we CAN'T return them (and change them to membrane one's)...YEAH and NASA was able to return Apollo 13 after...'Houston we have a problem'...that you can call a PROBLEM...not the shitty little things that are problem for every1 here. Hello Polish please try to have some perspective...

I must be coming idiot by asking this...